The material dimension of clouds
The material dimension of Clouds presents narratives around sciences, technologies, extractivism, the environmental crisis, the relationship to (misnomered) «natural resources», as well as those between bodies (both human and non-human), the living and supposed non-living. With this book we wish to approach the material dimension we inhabit, knowing this draws us closer to long-term memory, diverse speculations, and abandoning what is human as our analytical matrix, among other outcomes. Contemplating the volatile and aerial idea of what is often called «the cloud» connects us with the ground, with land, and also with what is stored at the bottom of the sea: thousands and thousands of kilometers of cables that transport information between devices and servers. We are caught up in a colonial and extractivist history that is not only about so-called «raw materials» or the internet, but also about deeper layers of meaning, of bodies, energies, spiritualities and knowledge that continue to sustain us. In this context we believe that the concept of «climate change» obscures deep historical implications, so we prefer to connect with a long-term memory of the Earth and that which inhabits it to address this current moment, weaving fragments into a partial and incomplete fabric that might give us clues on how to imagine the materiality we are part of.
Editing: Lucía Egaña Rojas y Ce Quimera.
Edition by Pluri Ediciones
With contributions by:
Tau Luna Acosta, Tatiana Avendaño, María Bajo, Romina Casile, Anaís Córdova-Páez, Ana CSC, Lucía Egaña Rojas, val flores, Kina Madno, Elízabeth Manjarrés Ramos, Lucrecia Masson Córdoba, Thais de Menezes, Valeska Morales Urbina, Caro Novella, iki yos piña funes, Ce Quimera, Natalia Rivera, Iria Rodríguez, danele sarriugarte mochales, Pablo Selín, Roberta Stubs, Nur Tissera y Sophia Wong.
English translation: Stephanie Graham
Editorial design, cover and inside images: Camila Gonzalez S. – ilacami
Produced by Allianz Fundation and Fundation Daniel y Nina Carasso
Number of pages: 183
ISBN: 978-84-128020-1-6
First edition Barcelona, February 2024
cc – by-nc-sa 4.0
The book has been published in two languages: Spanish and English. To access the Spanish edition here